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Guide: Virtual Queuing Solutions in Healthcare

to support social distancing and crowd control

Download the Virtual Queuing Guide for Healthcare

The current situation regarding COVID-19 poses challenges for all service providers. Healthcare institutions need to remain open and may have to deal with restrictions for a long time. How can hospitals and clinics ensure a safe patient journey and work environment for staff, and at the same time also strive to deliver excellent service and improve patient experience?

Virtual queuing solutions can help provide a safer environment by letting customers and staff practice social distancing. This guide aims to give insights on using virtual solutions for safer queuing and improved patient experience.

The Virtual Queuing Solutions for Healthcare guide covers:

  • What virtual queuing is and how it works
  • How virtual queuing can aid social distancing, minimize crowding and reduce physical touchpoints
  • Moving to virtual queue management - which touchpoints can be made virtual and how to manage them
  • The best practices for implementing virtual queuing 

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